l;r.u - fld<U m%Odk ud¾.h wjysr lrñka yïnkaf;dg" m,af,au,, m%foaYfha mej;s úfrdaO;dj md,kh lsÍug fmd,Sish W;aiy l< wjia:dfõ§ fkdikaiqka;djla ygf.k ;sfí' fmd,Sish mejiqfõ" ud¾.h yria lr msßia bj;a lsÍug fmd,Sishg wju n,h fhoùug isÿ jQ njh'
tu wjia:dfõ§ fkdikaiqka jQ msßia fmd,Sishg .,auq,a m%ydrhla t,a, lr ;sfí'
tys§ yïnkaf;dg uQ,ia:dk fmd,sia mÍlaIljrhd we;=¿ fmd,sia ks,OdÍka 3 fofkl= ;=jd, ,nd we;s nj o fmd,sia udOH f;dr;=re tallh mejiSh'
l<yldÍ msßia nia r:hlg o myr § we;ehs fmd,Sish lshd isáfha h'
.ïjdiSka wo fmrjrefõ tu úfrdaO;dj wdrïN lf<a" msßisÿ mdkSh c,h ,nd fok f,i n, lrñks'
úfrdaO;dj fya;=fjka l;r.u - fld<U m%Odk ud¾.h wjysr jQ w;r oeä r: jdyk ;onohla o Woa.;ú‚'
flfia fj;;a fï jk úg úfrdaO;dlrejka ud¾.fhka bj;a lr we;s nj fmd,Sish mejiSh'
A tense situation erupted when Police attempted to control a protest in the Pallemalala area in Hambantota which blocked the Kataragama-Colombo main road.
The Police said that police used minimum force to disperse the protesters.
The protesters in response began hurling stones and rocks at the police officers.
The Police media unit noted that the Hambantantota Police HQI and two other Police officers suffered injuries. The police also noted that the unruly protesters had vandalized a bus.
The protest was launched this morning by locals in the area demanding for clean drinking water.
As a result of the protest there was heavy vehicular congestion along the Katharagama-Colombo Main road. However the police noted that the protesters have now been cleared from the area.